Bulk Uploading Students to a School Profile

You need the following information from each students before proceeding

  1. Name (first and last)
  2. DOB
  3. Email address – preferably their parent/ guardian’s
  4. Contact telephone number – preferably their parent/ guardian’s
  5. Address
  6. Gender
  7. Passport sized photograph

How to bulk upload students to your school profile

  1. Using your email and password, log into the platform. Make sure that you are in the school profile – you can switch profiles via the hamburger menu in the furthermost upper right hand corner of the screen.
  2. Click on ‘Add New Member’.
  3. Click on ‘Member Bulk Upload’.
  4. In the ‘Type Dropdown’, choose ‘RE Membership’
  5. Download template (top right).
  6. Fill out each section with the personal information you have acquired (see list above). For membership type, choose Free Pupil Membership.
  7. Save template and upload to platform.
  8. In the ‘Create Account’ section, click ‘Yes’.
  9. Click ‘Upload’. The members will appear in the school profile.