Coaching Week 4-8 June 2018
#GreatCoaching to be recognised as UK’s first Coaching Week launches!
To mark Coaching Week, as well as UK Coaching, Rounders England are inviting people across England to share when and where they have experienced great coaching. Coaching Rounders is a rewarding and inspiring experience where you can make a real difference to the game and to the players you work with.
Throughout the week we will be celebrating great coaching stories, from both coaches and athletes alike…and we want you to join us! Use the two hashtags #Rounders and #GreatCoaching to tell us who you’re celebrating this Coaching Week and why.
Player, team/club/league organiser, teacher, whatever your role take your first step to coaching Rounders and ‘improve a person’s experience of sport and physical activity by providing specialised support and guidance aligned to their individual needs and aspiration’ (Coaching in an Active Nation, Sport England 2016). Rounders England Courses. Already coaching…have you got the right support?