2021 Annual General Meeting

The Rounders England board convene on a minimum of four occasions throughout the year. These are formal meetings of the board of directors, held to ensure that Rounders England’s business is conducted in accordance with its purpose, as set out in its constitutional documents, and associated strategy, values and policies, and with all legal and regulatory requirements. Minutes from the meeting are published following ratification.

This meeting is the constitutional gathering for the members of Rounders England to hear about the progress of the organisation and provide a forum for members to put forward their ideas for the future.

Date: Sunday 7 November 2021
 Live via facebook

Click here to join the event and you will get a reminder to join us LIVE on Facebook for our annual AGM.

Voting members may make written resolutions (*) for consideration at the AGM and these must be received in writing by Friday 17 September 2021 so they can be included in the AGM Pack.

(*) Your resolution should include your name and membership number, the person responsible for presenting the resolution in person at the AGM and his or her contact details (full name, mobile and email). The Rounders England Board reserves the right to review your resolution and ask you to clarify or amend it if required. Please email your resolution to [email protected] by Friday 17 September 2021. No resolutions will be accepted after the deadline.

At the AGM you (or your proxy) must declare any conflict of interest e.g., if you serve on a sport organisation board or company, working group, NGB, company or supplier with a direct or indirect relationship with Rounders England.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

IMPORTANT: All dates, times and info above, are subject to change.