Rounders: The Key to Success at Work?

The most successful teams are those who work well together. Learning how to cooperate towards achieving a mutual goal is what contributes to the development of a number of key workplace attributes, such as, leadership skills, communication, confidence, self-motivation and most importantly, friendship. The comradery developed while being part of a winning team can often last a lifetime and the journey that teams take together throughout the course of a season creates unforgettable memories.

Developing teamwork helps to motivate individuals to do their part and help the rest of the group to achieve an end goal. Successful leaders often have to delegate responsibilities and assign tasks to other members of the team and therefore, possessing a good team player ethic can positively influence employee engagement, group project completion and workplace motivation.

Communication skills are a necessity in the workplace. In order for individuals to work together effectively, they must have the ability to motivate, understand and appreciate the hard work of other members of their team. Developing communication skills encourages people to work better with other people, as well as dealing with criticism and listening to other people’s suggestions.

Strategic Development and Organisational Skills
Teamwork, leadership and communication are not enough to lead a team to success, there must be an underlying element of organisation to provide stability and structure. Team sports offer participants opportunities to suggest tactics and game plans in order to win. Efficient teams develop clearly defined strategies and make sure that all necessary work is being carried out effectively and meticulously.

Being a sport reliant on every member of a team doing their bit to succeed, rounders embodies teamwork, communication and organisation in the hope of encouraging everyone to become more confident in themselves as individuals and the abilities of their team mates. Facilitating fun activities and social connections outside of the workplace between employees ultimately creates a culture of fun. One of the main reasons for workplace dissatisfaction is due to the fact the people don’t feel that they are a valued member of a team or department, therefore forming a work rounders team and encouraging participation in an enjoyable setting will help employees become more engaged and connected with their colleagues.

For more information about Rounders England’s upcoming competitions and events, visit and join the rounders family.

Article by Rounders England:

Rounders England is a non-profit sport’s national governing body (NGB) in England.
Rounders England provides a structure for the sport from the Board, local deliverers and teams right the way through to individual members and volunteers.