Welcome to the Safeguarding section of our website
Safeguarding Statement:
Our organisation acknowledges the duty of care to safeguard, protect and promote the welfare of children and is committed to ensuring safeguarding practice reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance and complies with best practice and Rounders England requirements.
ChildLine W: T: 0800 11 11
ChildLine is for children only and is a free, private and confidential service, operating from 9am – midnight, where you can talk about anything.
Dealing with anxiety;
If you’re worried about a young person, you can contact NSPCC Helpline: 0808 800 5000 (8am-10pm Mon-Fri/9am-6pm weekends) or email [email protected].
Safeguarding children
We seek to help protect and promote the welfare of all young people in Rounders by having in place clear policies and guidance for safeguarding children.
Safeguarding Adults
With support from the Ann Craft Trust (ACT), we have created a Safeguarding Adults policy and procedure. The policy applies to all adults, 18 years or older, involved in Rounders.
Welfare Officer Guidance
Welfare Officers play a key role. By designating someone to this role, we have a first point of contact for safeguarding concerns.
Safeguarding resources
We have provided lots of useful downloadable resources to support teams and leagues with regards to Safeguarding.
Training & Courses
The NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) and UK Coaching have developed courses that are available to our Welfare Officers and Workforce.