INDEPENDENT Non-Executive Director


Rounders England are entering a period of exciting change and have a highly skilled and talented Board which includes expertise from sport, blue chip industries, education sector and the Rounders community. The Chair and CEO are new and a wholesale review of the strategy and business is underway and as part of this we are looking to recruit a Non-Executive Director to help us transform the game. We are committed to creating value for Rounders England and in turn for our stakeholders, to raise awareness of the sport and to grow participation. Our duty is to work in the interest of Rounders England with a focus of driving engagement, growth and revenue. The Board is committed to working together as a team and use our skills to deliver success for Rounders England. The more effective we are, the more we can develop the game. We are positive in tone and outcome and remain action-focused.

We are seeking a Non-Executive Director (volunteer, expenses paid) who can help drive forward the strategic growth and sustainability of the sport. We are specifically looking for someone with a broad commercial skill set who is looking for the opportunity to contribute to bring about exciting change within an NGB.

Rounders England is an equal opportunities employer who actively encourages applications from suitably qualified and experienced candidates regardless of your gender, gender identity, sexuality, ethnicity, disability, age, religion or belief, parenting, caring or marital status.

Candidate Info Pack

How to Apply

– Please read carefully
If you wish to apply for this position, please supply the following:

  • A detailed CV setting out your career history, with responsibilities and achievements.
  • A covering letter (maximum two sides) highlighting your suitability for the role and how you meet the person specification. Please note that the covering letter is an important part of your application and will be assessed as part of your full application.
  • Please provide details of two professional referees together with a brief statement of the capacity and over what period of time they have known you. Referees will not be contacted without your prior consent.
  • Equality Monitoring form – Your data will be stored separately from your application and will at no time be connected to you or your application.

Please send your CV and cover letter to:
CEO, Natalie Justice-Dearn
[email protected]

If you would like to discuss this opportunity further please contact:
Chair, Katherine Knight
[email protected]


STAGES                                     DATE
APPLICATION DEADLINE        Friday, 31st January 2020
INTERVIEWS                             TBC
FIRST BOARD MEETING           TBC April 2020