Clean Sport

A summary of our current activities

Rounders England are presently implementing systems & procedures to further strengthen our areas of governance particularly around the important subject of Anti-Doping and Clean Sport. Currently we are working towards achieving our compliance of the UK National Anti-Doping Policy through completion of the UKAD  Assurance Framework.

Two members of our senior management team will drive the changes necessary to achieve compliance. David Bentley will be the Operational Anti-Doping Lead and Natalie Justice-Dearn will be the Board Anti-Doping Lead. Currently they are incorporating the Clean Sport message within an Education Strategy that was implemented in 2022-23. A full review of all our annual activities will be published every January/February commencing 2024. In the meantime please look out for our Clean Sport messages on our website and social media channels. If you need further information on Anti-Doping, you can contact [email protected]

Scroll down for quick links to all of the available resources
  • Introduction to Clean Sport

    We all have a responsibility to protect clean sport. Cheating in any form undermines the spirit of sport and the efforts of clean athletes.

  • What is banned in sport?

    The Prohibited List is managed and coordinated by the World Anti-Doping Agency. The List is updated annually, effective 1st January.

  • Introduction To Testing

    All athletes should familiarise themselves with the testing process. UKAD aims to ensure that athletes are always informed prior to being tested.

  • Athletes rights & responsibilities

    The Athletes’ Anti-Doping Rights Act promotes athlete rights within anti-doping and ensures they are clearly outlined and accessible.

  • Athlete Support

    Everyone, including Athlete Support Personnel, has a duty to protect clean sport. The Anti-Doping Rules apply to them too.

  • 100% Me

    100% me is the UKAD education and information programme to Athletes throughout their sporting journey.

  • Further Help & Advice

    Visit this page for links to resources, websites and organisations that can be contacted, in relation to any Anti-Doping support you may have.