ALI, Coopers Troopers of the Ossett Rounders Club


Ali plays for the Coopers Troopers of Ossett Rounders Club, where she plays all year round and runs both a Summer and Winter season!

I started out playing Rounders in 2007, and fell in love with the Game. In 2014, I became a Coach and took on the running of Ossett Rounders Club with two other Ossett lovelies.  When I first started to play Rounders, it was a different activity to add into my fitness routine, but I found that it added a wonderful new set of friends to my life and helped with my confidence. When I started to Coach in 2014, I really felt that I’d found my place. I love being able to encourage Women to step out of their comfort zones and help them to realise that they are absolutely capable of playing a team sport. I especially love to see when players get that lightbulb moment and they see that they have found the sport for them. There is a place for everyone in the game of Rounders. Helping women to gain in confidence and be the best that they can be means the world!

iPROSPORTS are a company that really listen to the needs of your club, and work with you to get the product and design just right. I wanted to be a part of a team that helped that company to grow and gain further credit and exposure for the brand. At Ossett Rounders Club we have ordered our Hoodies from iPROSPORTS as well as our Bespoke Club Shirts. We’re so happy with the quality and look of the products, and they have helped to build our Brand as a club. I want to be able to give something back to iPROSPORTS and further develop our working relationship.

This season I’m really excited about getting stuck into our League matches, and working on further developing our club. We are seeing more new ladies coming to join our lovely community each month, and it’s wonderful to see the participation rates in Rounders continually increasing! It’s fantastic to be a part of such a positive community. I can’t wait to see what this year will bring to our Club and the Rounders community as a whole!

Keep an eye out for the iPROSPORTS Champions as they make their debut throughout the season! We’re so excited to share the new iPROSPORTS collection, now we need other people to be too! iPROSPORTS are the only clothing brand approved by Rounders  England. They are a leading sports clothing brand, kitting out the England Squads and supplying teams, leagues and events throughout the country. Check out their new collection.

Helping women to gain in confidence and be the best that they can be means the world! 

Article by Rounders England:

Rounders England is a non-profit sport’s national governing body (NGB) in England.
Rounders England provides a structure for the sport from the Board, local deliverers and teams right the way through to individual members and volunteers.