I am 31 years old, born and raised in Manchester and still living in the wonderful city. I have a wonderful family and some amazing friends who help make this life well worth living.
I love travelling and being in the outdoors. I am up for most things that get my pulse racing, except heights! I have adopted rock climbing to help me overcome this and that is helping tremendously.
I have a degree in Business Finance and am Director of my own site welfare company, operating in the construction industry. It is extremely rewarding. No two days are the same and I get to meet lots of new people.
I came across Social Rounders on a social media platform and just got in touch with them. I didn’t realise that leagues existed, so Rounders was something I had just left behind with my school years. When I came across it, I was slightly nervous as I didn’t know what to expect – could I still play the game? But once I went along, the nerves went and the excitement kicked in. I hate that it is not more popular.
After my first practice session I found myself part of a wonderful team. I love that Rounders is a game for anyone and everyone, no matter what your ability. It is always fun and exciting whether we are winning or losing. But what I love most, is watching women encourage and support one another no matter what. Women of all ages, ability and backgrounds who have come together to support each other and ultimately just have fun.
Rounders was always my favourite team sport at school and something I missed upon leaving school. Although it has been a while, I still enjoy it just the same. Going back to the game has reignited an old passion, but apart from that, it’s a great way for me to switch off from a hectic work schedule and it definitely helps me to relax.
Sarah Rekia2, this girl canRounders is extremely fulfilling for me. It is also rewarding being part of a team that wants to practice to be the best they can be. My fellow team members inspire me to play week on week.
After a game of Rounders I usually end up exhausted, as my working day starts at 5am and practice/matches are at 7pm or 8pm. Apart from that, I always feel great that I have been a part of something and the next session can’t come soon enough.
In my past, I struggled finding the time to exercise as family commitments and workloads always seemed more important. Giving myself at least one evening per week to switch off has helped me tremendously and my general well-being has increased. Outside of Rounders I try to exercise with friends or family as much as possible.
For any females who aren’t yet exercising, or who might be thinking about taking up Rounders, I’d recommend that you just give it a go! I personally don’t enjoy the gym and usually attempt a work out half-heartedly, so I don’t get any real benefit. As Rounders is a team sport, I am much more engaged as we all have a part to play and I never want to let my team down.
Rounders reminds me just how important team work, communication and decision making actually is, so I am able to transfer these skills to my everyday work. But, ultimately it helps to keep me fit and healthy and the social aspect is a complete bonus.