Welcome to Rounders England, Abby Reeves

Rounders England

Here at Rounders England, we are constantly evolving and changing in the pursuit of excellence. To help achieve this, our recruitment processes are about getting the right people, to fit the right posts. Our newest member of staff is Abby Reeves.

Abby joins the organisation as a Marketing Assistant, her role encompasses raising awareness of Rounders England and growing the organisations social media platforms.

Here is a bit more about her;

I am really exited to have started my new role at Rounders England as a Marketing Assistant. I am looking forward to assisting with the marketing operations and activities within the Rounders England website as well as social media management.

In my spare time I try my best to keep active and enjoy going to the gym – I definitely enjoy it a lot more when I get to relax in the sauna and steam room afterwards! I love to visit new cities/countries and have recently interrailed across Europe. In the future, I’m hoping to add to the list of places I have visited both nationally and internationally.”

I am a recent graduate with a degree in Media and Marketing and eager to apply everything I have learnt throughout my degree to this role.

Abby Reeves
Article by Julia Rice: