Across The Field


As Rounders England moves into 2021, Across The Field is a new strategy that outlines the beginning of a consultation between the entire Rounders community and the National Governing Body, with the outcome of shaping the future of the game, together.

It represents a unique opportunity for individuals, however they participate in Rounders, to play a part in creating a legacy for our much loved sport.

To do this we want you to tell us what you think about the game, how you use it and what you’d like to see improve in the future. Any ideas, comments or suggestions – we’re listening and acting. Your opinion really does matter to us.

We introduced the Across The Field strategy at the Annual General Meeting on Sunday 1 November which was attended via facebook live. Since then we have held zoom meetings with representative groups from within the Rounders community, gaining insight from individuals who are embedded in the sport. BUT we want a broader perspective of the extended community’s experience and what they want for the future.


Across The Field Survey Results

The results of our Across The Field survey, launched back in February, are now available.

Read the Key Points